What if my staff member is already injured and on WorkCover?

WorkCover Queensland has a panel of practitioner groups who are contracted to only provide rehabilitation and return to work services for the Government. We am not one of those. Our services are not payable under the workers compensation schemes.

We recommend looking broadly at your injury prevention strategy as an investment toward reducing future workers compensation costs and productivity. We can definitely help you with that.

Do you travel away from base (South East Queensland)?

We frequently can travel anywhere in Australia with a negotiated reasonable travel reimbursement.

How often should organisations be doing manual handling training? 

This depends on your injury profile, risks and budget. Take a look at your workers compensation claims as a guide. Some organisations with low manual handling risks can manage training at induction and as an annual/biannual refresher. Other higher risk organisations may require additional practical competency based assessments and local onsite trainers/champions. We can definitely help you decide with consideration to industry best practice.


© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2010

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